Below, you will find a list of Pagosa Springs’ webcams and surrounding area. Links include current road conditions from Colorado Department of Transportation cameras, ski conditions at Wolf Creek Ski Area and a live view of the downtown including the Springs Resort.
Downtown Pagosa Webcam
Live video of HWY 160 in downtown Pagosa Springs. View the road conditions downtown including the the area around Natural Grocers, through the bend in 160, to the light where you turn to head towards the post office and The Springs.
Wolf Creek Ski Area Webcams
Wolf Creek Ski Area webcams – Wolf Creek Ski Area has 3 live webcams that provide a glimpse of the activity on the ski mountain. There are two webcams located at the base of the Treasure Stoke Chairlift. One webcam is directed towards Wolf Creek Lodge and provides a view of the base area of the mountain, including the bottom terminals of Nova and Bonanza ski lifts in the background. The second webcam at the base of Treasure Stoke Chairlift provides a view of the Treasure Stoke lift line with the Nova Run in the background. The third webcam is located at the summit and faces east providing a view of Prospector Ridge and Alberta Peak.

HWY 160 Webcams
***NOTE: CDOT/COTrip are back to functional***
HWY 160 at Yellowjacket Pass webcam – Courtesy of CDOT, this webcam is located 35 miles west of Pagosa Springs at the summit of Yellow Jacket pass, and provides still images of eastbound traffic. Images refresh every couple of minutes.
HWY 160 West of Downtown Pagosa Springs webcams – Courtesy of CDOT, this webcam is located just west of downtown Pagosa Springs, and provides still images of both eastbound and westbound traffic. Images refresh every couple of minutes. Locals know this location as “Putt Hill”.
Wolf Creek Pass webcam – Courtesy of CDOT, this webcam is located at the tunnel just east of Wolf Creek Pass, and provides still images of both eastbound and westbound traffic. Images refresh every couple of minutes. Another CDOT Wolf Creek Pass webcam is near the ski area.
More Wolf Creek Pass webcams. This webpage includes a view of eastbound and westbound 160 at Wolf Creek Pass. In addition, highway 160, 3 miles west of Wolf Creek Pass, views are available. Images refresh every few minutes.
FAA Wolf Creek Pass webcams – Courtesy of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), multiple directional cameras provide real-time visibility from Wolf Creek Pass. The map and user interface is good. The cameras are actual CDOT cameras.
Airport Webcams
Stevens Field Airport webcams – Courtesy of Stevens Field Airport (KPSO). Two cameras are available from the airport. One camera is directed at Pagosa Peak and the other camera is pointed towards the NE at Wolf Creek.
Pagosa Hot Springs Webcams
The Springs Resort webcam – Located in the resort itself, this webcam shows views of the hot springs and downtown traffic.
More Colorado Webcams offers many more webcams for towns and citifies throughout Colorado. If traveling around Colorado, these are a good addition to the CDOT/COTrip webcams
Chama Train Yard Webcams
Need to view the conditions in Chama? The Chama Steam Train yards have live webcams showing the conditions in the area.
New Mexico Travel Conditions and Webcams
If you are heading into New Mexico, the New Mexico Roads website is a valuable resource to understand current road conditions and view webcams.