On February 12th 2022 the 3rd annual Loggerpalooza 2022 took place at Motel Soco. It was a fun day of watching the event, socializing, and supporting local loggers, lumberjacks and outdoors people. This year over 25 contestants entered the event which includes both men and women. The winners received quite a offering including a brand new Stihl chainsaw.
Motel Soco is the host of many community events consisting of concerts, contests and social events. They provide a great location and service to the Pagosa Springs Colorado community. What started as an idea over some drinks has grown into a full day event and contest. Loggerpalooza is a lumberjack or logger contest that consists of 3 disciplines that the competitors try to complete with the fastest times. Chainsaws, Saws, and Hatchets are all used during the competition.

Overview of Event
The event took place at Motel Soco. Starting time was 10:00am and lasted almost 5 hours. The Chainsaw cutting competition was the first of 3 events. Each of the 25+ participants competed with approximately 2 minutes between each competitor. The Saw competition was up next and each competitor had a 3 minute time limit to saw through a log. Most finished before the time limit with the best times around 1.5 minutes. The last event was an obstacle course containing a hatchet throw, keg pull, run up hill, and finally an axe split.
Photos of Loggerpalooza 2022

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