Pagosa Springs sports two disc golf courses in the immediate area. One course is at Cloman Park near the airport, and the other is on Reservoir Hill. Disc Golf in Pagosa Springs is a great outdoor activity and doesn’t require any previous experience.
Disc golf is one of the great things to do in Pagosa Springs
The object is to throw a disc, like a frisbee, at a hole. Similar to golf, discs can be specialized for driving, mid-range, and “putting”. Of course, as a beginner, the discs may not bear much difference, but I suggest that you use a driver disc and putting disc at a minimum. The driving disc allows for maximum distance without a need for accuracy. The putting disc is the opposite with more weight towards accuracy than distance. The hole or target, looks like a chain basket of sorts, and requires that the disc land inside. Your score equals the number of throws of your disc – again, similar to golf scoring.

This photo shows a disc in the “hole” or basket, which is the end of the hole. Most holes are par 3’s. This means that, on average, it should take three throws to get the disc in the basket. There are some holes that are par 2 and par 4 but most are par 3.
Reservoir Hill Disc Golf Courses

The disc golf course on Reservoir hill has two courses, the Raven Course and the Eagle Course. each with 18 holes. You will notice on the map above that the difference between the two courses is actually just the location of the tee box. Both courses share the same hole or basket. This makes for 36 different “holes” to play as the double tee-boxes provide a different starting angle to the hole.
Eagle course is par 54 at 5608 ft in length
Raven course is par 54 at 5345ft in length
Cloman Park Disc Golf Course
The disc golf course at Cloman park is a longer course than the two courses at Reservoir Hill. The course is spread out more with some much longer holes including a par 5! A single 18 hole course is available at Cloman Park. This course is longer and more difficult than Reservoir hill but still great fun for the family. It is well marked and easy to find each hole. The monster par 5 holes are tough for beginners but add a level of excitement that Reservoir Hill courses do not provide.

Directions to Reservoir Hill Disc Golf
Below are the directions to the Reservoir Hill Disc Golf course in Pagosa Springs Colorado. The map shows the area of the disc golf course. Note that you cannot drive all the way up the hill to the course. Parking is available at the end of Spring Street where it intersects with Park St.